Friday, October 17, 2008


Side by Side - Present Perfect Continuous Pages 8 and 9 Write the conversation for even #'s 2, 4,6,8,10, and 12. Write them on paper to hand in.

Sound Advice - Chapter 4 test on Monday!

Personal Vocabulary and Phrases small notebook: Have at least 4 by Monday!

Work on National Geographic lab exercise: Do two more this weekend! You should finish by Tuesday!

Watch a movie! Tell us on Monday which one you watched, in English of course!

Start thinking about a demonstration topic. Something that you can explain how to do for your classmates! I will give you a handout on Monday, but in the meantime choose from one of the topics below:

  1. Explain how to do something that you do well.
  2. Explain how to play a game at a party.
  3. Explain how to take care of plants that seem to be dying.
  4. Explain how to get someone to love you.
  5. Explain how to get over a broken heart.
  6. Explain how to have a good time in Seattle even though it rains all weekend.
  7. Explain to someone who does not know how to ski or snowboard that there is really nothing to be nervous about.
  8. Explain how to cook something easy yet impressive and delicious.
  9. Explain how to do something difficult but make it look easy.
  10. Explain how to make new friends in a foreign country.
  11. Explain the steps involved in getting married in your country.
  12. Explain how to stay phycially fit.
  13. Explain the process of how to do your favorite hobby.
  14. Explain the process of any other activity of your choice.

I will give you more information on Monday. Tuesday, your demonstration plan is due. Thursday and Friday, your demonstration will begin.

1 comment:

PUKUINU said...

Gail, the 4th question, does it have a problem?? "Explain how to get someone to live you". I think "live" here is "love" right??