Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween is tomorrow!

Wear or bring a costume to class! 10 extra points!

Blog Update: Both Part 1 and Part 2 are due Week 6, 7, 8 and 9. Part 1 is the usual 3 listening tasks. See the Blog Assignment section of my blog on the right side of the page. Part 2 is the comment section. Please review the directions to remember the requirements.

Bring your Side by Side book tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lab tomorrow!

Blog Tasks due for Week 6 - Remember to finish your three tasks for your blog!

Sound Advice: Chapter 6, Exercises 5-7

Bring Side by Side and Sound Advice

Plan your Halloween costume for Friday!

Another Fun Halloween website!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Movie Day tomorrow!

Vocabulary Quiz - Review the script and study the vocabulary!

Side by Side - Embedded Questions Chapter 4 - Write the conversations on Pages 54 and 55 for the odd numbers 1, 3,5,7,and 9. For number 10 create your own dialogue.

Sound Advice - Chapte 6 Exercises 1-4

Blog - Follow listening tasks for Halloween!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Week 6

Vocabulary and Phrases Small Books Self Test tomorrow! Be sure to memorize the meaning and a good example sentence that clearly shows how to use the word.

Self Evaluation Form: Fill it out as well as you can and bring it to class tomorrow. You and I will exchange our evaluations. :)

Sound Advice Chapter 6: Begin the chapter!

Movie Vocabulary Test on Wednesday!

Bring Side by Side and Intermediate Comprehension Listening textbooks for tomorrow!

Blog assignments: All blog assignments will have to do with Halloween this week. For tonight, listen to the History of Halloween with my link or find your own link and summarize your findings. Give your opinion as well as you can and post it with the link on your blog.

Halloween Costume for Friday!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Sound Advice Test: Chapter 5 on Monday!
Vocabulary and Phrases: 4 words in your small book for Monday!
Blog: Make your extensive comment if you have not already done so. Remember, minimum of 30 words. I will ask you on Monday whose blog and which task you made your comment on.
Pronunciation Practice: Spend a good half hour on the web site. Please tell me what you think about its helpfullness on Monday.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Demonstration Presentations Tomorrow!

Hello Everyone - Be sure to focus on the steps of the process tomorrow. Make them clear to your listeners! Good luck! Practice!

If you haven't finished your blog extensive comments, please do that. Tomorrow in class I will ask you which ones that you made comments on!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Demonstration Presentations Tomorrow and Friday!

Prepare and practice your presentation!
  • Time yourself. Plan to speak at least 5 minutes and no more than 6 minutes!
  • Be sure to get someone to listen to you.
  • Ask your listener to help you with grammar or pronunciation.

Bring your cameras! :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Week 5 - Midterm Week - 3 Tests Tomorrow!

  1. Listening Grammar Test
  2. Listening Test
  3. Side by Side Test Chapter 1

Bring your Intermediate Listening Comprehension Book!

Also, bring National Geographic Lab hand out!

Blog assignment for Thursday, October 23rd: Choose one of your classmates Blog Listening Tasks from Week 2, 3, or 4 and listen to it. Then make an extensive comment. Refer to the orange handout with the initial explanation of the assignement. Pay attention to Part 2! An extensive comment should be a miniumum of 30 words. Include in your comment why you chose this particular post and how it affacts you, your friends and/or family, and society as a whole.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Outline for Demonstration Speech due tomorrow!

Make a clear outline similar to the model that I gave you. Some place in the outline, be sure to put the steps necessary to perform the process that you have chosen.

Side by Side: Review the past perfect tense on pages 10 and 11. Also, preview the past perfect continuous on Page 12. We will have a test on Wednesday over Chapter 1.

Sound Advice: Start previewing chapter 5 if you have time.

National Geographic: Finish your handout for Wednesday. I will give you one more day to do this since we didn't have time to talk about it today. Wednesday is the absolute last day.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Side by Side - Present Perfect Continuous Pages 8 and 9 Write the conversation for even #'s 2, 4,6,8,10, and 12. Write them on paper to hand in.

Sound Advice - Chapter 4 test on Monday!

Personal Vocabulary and Phrases small notebook: Have at least 4 by Monday!

Work on National Geographic lab exercise: Do two more this weekend! You should finish by Tuesday!

Watch a movie! Tell us on Monday which one you watched, in English of course!

Start thinking about a demonstration topic. Something that you can explain how to do for your classmates! I will give you a handout on Monday, but in the meantime choose from one of the topics below:

  1. Explain how to do something that you do well.
  2. Explain how to play a game at a party.
  3. Explain how to take care of plants that seem to be dying.
  4. Explain how to get someone to love you.
  5. Explain how to get over a broken heart.
  6. Explain how to have a good time in Seattle even though it rains all weekend.
  7. Explain to someone who does not know how to ski or snowboard that there is really nothing to be nervous about.
  8. Explain how to cook something easy yet impressive and delicious.
  9. Explain how to do something difficult but make it look easy.
  10. Explain how to make new friends in a foreign country.
  11. Explain the steps involved in getting married in your country.
  12. Explain how to stay phycially fit.
  13. Explain the process of how to do your favorite hobby.
  14. Explain the process of any other activity of your choice.

I will give you more information on Monday. Tuesday, your demonstration plan is due. Thursday and Friday, your demonstration will begin.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

National Geographic tonight!

  • Do two listenings from National Geographic, and bring your listening sheet to class tomorrow!

Sound Advice: Finish Chapter 4

Side by Side: Write 15 sentences about your classmates using present perfect and For and Since

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Meet in the lab #3168 tomorrow at 2pm first thing!

Please finish your Blog Week 4 Listening Tasks!

Side by Side Homework Check back on Tuesday, Oct 17th, in the homework archive on this blog, if you can't remember what the homework is.

Finish King 5 Video on demand, if you have time, and bring it to class.

Bring USB or something to download classmates pictures if you want them. In the meantime, here is the link to the slide show. Maybe this will help you!?!

Also, bring your Sound Advice books.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Movie Day tomorrow!

Movie Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow!

We still didn't have time to talk about your Education Interview, so we will do that tomorrow!

Side by Side Homework will be due on Thursday. Bring it Thursday along with your Side by Side book! Page 4: Write the conversation A-B, A-B with the correct grammar. Please underline the verbs!

Don't forget to work on your Blog listening tasks! They are due on Thursday! Also, your King 5 Lab listening is due Thursday!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Great Speeches!

Welcome to Week 4!

Vocabulary & Phrases: Make sure you have 4 words that you have gotten from the 'real world' for tomorrow's test! We will take a few minutes before the class to confirm the meanings of the words. Remember there are two steps to the test. Step 1 - you can have your vocabulary book open to write down the words and their situations. Step 2 - Book Closed to write the meaning and a sentence that shows you know how to use the word.

Education Interview - We will discuss your results tomorrow!

Bring your Side by Side and Intermediate Listening books tomorrow!

Start working on your Week 4 Blog Tasks which are due Thursday:
  1. News story from King 5 or CNN, etc.
  2. Science story from Nova
  3. Song or Movie (you choose)

Friday, October 10, 2008


Good Job on your speeches! Most of you worked very hard for your presentations and did very well. You are making good progress in your speaking! Just keep finding opportunities to speak.

Monday - Listening test regarding the speeches that you made!

Monday we will talk about the education interview that you made this week. Since we didn't have time to talk about that in class today, go ahead and make a second interview. Be ready to tell about what you learned.

Sound Advice Chapter 3 test on Monday! Be sure you have listened to the chapter. We will talk about any questions that you may have before you take the test.

Monday - Be sure to finish the Life Learning lab listening exercises.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Remember to interview on Education!

Prepare for Speech! Speeches will be the first hour!
Please bring your Sound Advice book, so that we can prepare for Monday's Chapter 3 test!

So sorry that this homework post is so late; the computers were down at the college and this is my first chance to get to the computer. See you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lab Day tomorrow! Go first to BE3168!

  1. Finish Your Choice listening!
  2. Finish Blog Tasks!
  3. Prepare for Speech! Speeches will be the second hour!
  4. Don't forget Education Interview for Friday!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Interview one person before Friday about education!

Movie Vocabulary Review for test tomorrow!

Sound Advice - Chapter 3: Exercise 6-11 Pages 26-29

Your Choice Listening Homework by Thursday!

Blog Assignments by Thursday!

Education Interview by Friday!

Life Learning lab homework postpone due date until Monday!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Welcome to Week 3!

Sound Advice - Start Chapter 3 Exercises 1-5 Pages 23-26

*Vocabulary and Phrases - Self Test- Four Words - Memorize the meaning and an example sentence that shows that you know how to use the word.

Blog Listening - Two more by Thursday - 1 extensive comment - 30 words minium

*Speech Preparation - Make an outline of your speech to hand in to Gail tomorrow!

Education Interview - Find an American to Interview about this topic by Friday!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Blog listening assignment

  • Post Week 3- Task 1
  • Do your best for the first one and we will talk about problems and what is and isn't acceptable. :)

Prepare topic for speech.

Sound Advice - Chapter 2 test

Vocabulary and Phrases Small Book - 4 words

Life Learning - If you havent sent your scores to Gail for Air Rage, be sure to do so!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Listen to Life Learning Website

  • follow the guidelines for Air Rage on the handout that I gave you in class today
  • Send your scores to Gail as soon as possible but not later than Friday night midnight!

Handout: Answer the questions for your country only on Education! Bring to class tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Meet in the lab tomorrow at 2pm first thing!

Tomorrow, please go to room 3168 first! I am sorry, I totally forgot to tell you in class today! So, please tell your classmates and friends in our class. Thank you!

Due tomorrow:
  • Randal's Cyber Listening Lab
  • TV - Internet Listening Report

Sound Advice: Finish chapter 2 as soon as you can in order to prepare for the chapter test on Monday! Yeah!

Vocabulary Book: Keep listening for new words and phrases in the real world!